We like to give children music opportunities. Lots of them. And many times those music opportunities help the community as well. So, tah dah! Here is our latest:
Sunrise Senior Living has invited us to perform on Thursday, June 28th at 6:30pm. This means that if there are kids out there who want to show off their talents, we encourage them to join us and bring some joy to the residents at Sunrise. So far we have pianists, vocalists, violinists, guitarists. We welcome it all. And it's absolutely FREE to participate. You just need to tell us you're coming.
If someone you know under the age of 12 would like to participate in this wonderful service, please e-mail us:
We'll need the name of the child, the musical talent they want to share, the name of the piece they will perform, and if an accompanist is needed or not.
After the performance, the children will be able to hand out treats to the residents and talk with them if they wish. Space is limited so tell us soon if you'd like to participate.